
Free MP3 Cutter and Editor Portable

Pada postingan kali ini, saya akan menshare kepada anda semua sebuah aplikasi yang bernama MP3 Cutter and Editor. Aplikasi ini dapat anda gunakan untuk melakukan pemotongan pada musik mp3 dan dapat juga melakukan pengeditan-pengeditan yang lainnya.

Berikut adalah beberapa fitur dari aplikasi MP3 Cutter and Editor :

  • Delete Selected - Deletes selected part from the MP3 document. 
  • Delete Unselected - Deletes unselected part from the MP3 document. 
  • Change Volume - Changes audio volume by specifying a percentage value. 
  • Maximize Volume - Increases volume as high as possible without distortion. 
  • Fade In - Gradually increases the volume throughout the selection. 
  • Fade Out - Gradually decreases the volume throughout the selection. 
  • Convert to Stereo - Duplicates mono track to make a stereo track. 
  • Convert to Mono - Mixes all channels to make a mono track.

Tahun baru 2012

halooooo semua,, akhirnya tanpa terasa 2011 telah berlalu dan berganti menjadi tahun 2012. Semoga hari-hari anda semakin bermanfaat di tahun ini.. amiiin. ;)

download Autodesk Infrastrukture Modeler 2012

Autodesk? Infrastructure Modeler conceptual design software is the next generation of Autodesk? LandXplorer? Studio Professional software, designed to help civil engineering, transportation, and urban planning professionals create, evaluate, and communicate infrastructure proposals.

Autodesk Infrastructure Modeler can help drive stakeholder buy-in and inform decision making with visually rich proposals for transportation, land, water, or energy infrastructure projects. And users can share proposed infrastructure models to give designers a head start.

Main Features:

  • Model existing infrastructure?Use 2D CAD, GIS, Building Information Modeling (BIM), and raster data.
  • Import detailed models?Incorporate detailed models from AutoCAD? Civil 3D?, AutoCAD? Map 3D, and other software.
  • Stylize infrastructure models?Depict the local environment more realistically.
  • Work in 3D?Show proposed roads, water, and land features.
  • Overlay GIS data?Create 3D thematic maps to help inform decisions.
  • Manage infrastructure proposals?Create and manage multiple alternatives in a single model.
  • Communicate visually rich infrastructure proposals?Shift between design proposals and evaluate alternatives from any viewpoint, and capture rendered images or recorded videos.

Autodesk Infrastructure Modeler x64 WIN Final 2012 | 3.84 GB

keyword : download, free, autodesk, autodesk modeler, infrastruktur modeler, autodesk for win 64 bit, autoesk final 2012, download autodesk infrastruktur modeler,  autocad, create 3D, GIS, 

TubeMate Youtube Downloader for Android

  • Fast download mode(with multiple connections for a download)
  • Multiple download resolution options
  • Background, multi-download
  • Resume downloading
  • Convert to MP3 (powered by MP3 Media Converter)
  • Playlist as video/audio(powered by Meridian Player)
  • Share your video finds via Google Buzz, Twitter or e-mail at the tap of a button
  • YouTube search and related videos suggestions
  • Save favorite videos to your YouTube account, create playlists

TubeMate YouTube Downloader enables you to quickly access, search, share, and download YouTube videos. Because downloading always happens in the background, you can go on watching YouTube, surfing the Internet, tweeting, and listening to your music as you download.

[Available resolutions]
1920x1080(Full-HD): GalaxyTab, Galaxy S2, PC
1280x720(HD): high-end devices
640x360: general devices
320x240: low-end devices
640x360, 854x480(FLV) : Android 2.1 and over
(the available options depend on the quality of the uploaded video and your device)

TAGs: TubeMate, YOUTUBE DOWNLOADER, TUBEX, JetVD, Freedi, YouTube Music Video, TubeMate, YouTube MP3 Converter, YouTube Video Downloader, TubeMate, YOUTUBE DOWNLOADER, TUBEX, JetVD, Freedi, YouTube Music Video, TubeMate, YouTube MP3 Converter, YouTube Video Downloader, TubeMate, YOUTUBE DOWNLOADER, TUBEX, JetVD, Freedi, YouTube Music Video, TubeMate, YouTube MP3 Converter, YouTube Video Downloader, TubeMate, YOUTUBE DOWNLOADER, TUBEX, JetVD, Freedi, YouTube Music Video, TubeMate, YouTube MP3 Converter, YouTube Video Downloader

Download SpeedCar 3D for Android

Pada kali ini saya akan mempersembahkan kepada anda-anda semua sebuah game 3D berbasis android yang SUPER KEREN. Aplikasi ini bernama SpeedCAR android.

Anda akan dimanjakan oleh tampilan 3D dari game ini, beragam fitur dapat anda rasakan hampir seperti kenyataan pada game balapan SpeedCAR 3 Dimensi ini

Anda tertarik kepada SpeedCar ini, Silahkan anda download melalui Android Market.

Cara Membuat Jam Digital menggunakan Java

Java merupakan sebuah bahasa pemrograman yang multiplatform, yang berarti bahasa pemrograman ini dapat kompatible pada berbagai maca sistem operasi seperti Windows, Linux, dan lain-lain. Pada postingan saya kali ini saya akan menshare kepada anda bagaimana membuat aplikasi Jam Digital menggunkaan bahasa pemrograman Java. Tidak usah panjang lebar lagi, langsung saja anda simak source code dibawah ini :

package kripto.main;

 * @author yoga
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.Date;
import java.awt.*;

class jamDigital extends JFrame {
  // Deklarasi komponen Label
  JLabel tampil_jam = new JLabel();

  // Konstruktor
  public jamDigital() {
    tampil_jam.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, 30));
    this.getContentPane().setLayout(new FlowLayout());

    // ActionListener untuk Keperluan Timer
    ActionListener taskPerformer = new ActionListener() {
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
        String nol_jam = "";
        String nol_menit = "";
        String nol_detik = "";
        // Membuat Date
        Date dt = new Date();
        // Mengambil nilaj JAM, MENIT, dan DETIK Sekarang
        int nilai_jam = dt.getHours();
        int nilai_menit = dt.getMinutes();
        int nilai_detik = dt.getSeconds();
        // Jika nilai JAM lebih kecil dari 10 (hanya 1 digit)
        if (nilai_jam <= 9) {
          // Tambahkan "0" didepannya
          nol_jam = "0";
        // Jika nilai MENIT lebih kecil dari 10 (hanya 1 digit)
        if (nilai_menit <= 9) {
          // Tambahkan "0" didepannya
          nol_menit = "0";
        // Jika nilai DETIK lebih kecil dari 10 (hanya 1 digit)
        if (nilai_detik <= 9) {
          // Tambahkan "0" didepannya
          nol_detik = "0";
        // Membuat String JAM, MENIT, DETIK
        String jam = nol_jam + Integer.toString(nilai_jam);
        String menit = nol_menit + Integer.toString(nilai_menit);
        String detik = nol_detik + Integer.toString(nilai_detik);
        // Menampilkan pada Layar
        tampil_jam.setText("  " + jam + " : " + menit + " : " + detik + "  ");
    // Timer
    new Timer(1000, taskPerformer).start();

  // MAIN
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    jamDigital jd = new jamDigital();
    jd.setTitle("Jam Digital");
    jd.setSize(200, 90);;

Dan ketika anda Run, maka akan keluar hasil seperti ini :

Jam yang ditampilkan tersebut merupakan jam yang pada saat itu berlangsung di sistem komputer anda pula.

Selamat mencoba.!

Tag :
java, pemrograman, membuat jam, cara membuat jam digital dengan java, jam java, membuat jam dengan java.

Cara membuat aplikasi enkripsi dekripsi sederhana menggunakan Java

Halo semuanya, pada postingan kali ini saya mau share kepada anda semua bagaimana cara membuat aplikasi Enkripsi dan Dekripsi sederhana menggunakan Java. Enkripsi dan Dekripsi kali ini menggunakan metode Caesar Cipher. Monggo disimak lebih lanjut. :)

berikut ini adalah scrip dari pembuatan aplikasi enkripsi dan dekripsi dengan memanfaatkan metode Caesar Cipher :

package kripto;

 * @author yoga
public class CaesarCipher

public static void main(String[] args) {
String str = "yoga permana";
int key = 3;

String encrypted = encrypt(str, key);

String decrypted = decrypt(encrypted, key);

public static String encrypt(String str, int key) {
String encrypted = "";
for(int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
int c = str.charAt(i);
if (Character.isUpperCase(c)) {
c = c + (key % 26);
if (c > 'Z')
c = c - 26;
} else if (Character.isLowerCase(c)) {
c = c + (key % 26);
if (c > 'z')
c = c - 26;
encrypted += (char) c;
return encrypted;

public static String decrypt(String str, int key)
String decrypted = "";
for(int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
int c = str.charAt(i);
if (Character.isUpperCase(c)) {
c = c - (key % 26);
if (c < 'A')
c = c + 26;
} else if (Character.isLowerCase(c)) {
c = c - (key % 26);
if (c < 'a')
c = c + 26;
decrypted += (char) c;
return decrypted;

Pada coding diatas, saya mencoba untuk melakukan pengacakan pada nama "yoga permana" dengan melakukan pergeseran huruh sebanyak 3 kali kearah depan. Ketika saya run, maka hasilnya maka akan seperti pada gambar dibawah ini.

Pada hasil diatas terlihat bahwa nama "yoga permana" telah berhasil dienkripsi menjadi "brjd shupdqd". kemudian hasil tersebut langsung didekripsikan kembali menjadi "yoga permana".

Mudah bukan.? :)
selamat mencoba.

Tag :
java, belajar java, cara membuat kriptografi, caesar cipher, membuat caesar cipher menggunakan java, enkripsi, dekripsi, aplikasi enkripsi dekripsi java.

Beamer for MAC

Beamer 1.2 (MacOSX)
Drag, Drop, Watch
Drag any movie file onto Beamer and it will start streaming wirelessly to your TV with Apple TV instantly. No jailbreak required.

No Conversion Needed
Beamer plays all (OK, almost all) movie files, so you don’t need to convert your videos. AVI, MOV, MKV, WMV and FLV files will play just fine.

Beamer requires a Mac with OS X 10.6+ (Snow Leopard or Lion) and Apple TV 2nd generation.

Which video formats does Beamer support?
We support all common formats. You can easily download the trial to test any obscure file format you may have. We strive to support as many video formats as possible. If you have a video that doesn't work, we'd love to hear about it.

Why is Beamer not in the Mac App Store?
It was turned down for using undocumented Apple technology. We use an undocumented way to talk to the Apple TV with AirPlay. While this is unsupported by Apple, it works well in practice.

Does Beamer support subtitles?
Not yet. We want to do this right.

Does Beamer do Screen Mirroring?
No. Screen Mirroring uses different AirPlay technology. We currently have no plans to support Screen Mirroring.

Download 4 Frame Vector Keren

Pada postingan kali ini, saya akan menshare kepada anda semua Frame Vector yang dapat anda unduh secara gratis. Terdapat empat buah frame yang dapat anda download di sini. Monggo didownload. :)

Download Kumpulan Vector Keren Gratis

Halo semuanya, kali ini saya akan share kepada anda semua postingan mengenai gambar Vector. Vector yang tersedia disini dapat anda download secara gratis. Walaupun ini Vector gratis, namun kualitas gambar vector yang ada sangat keren. ;) cekidot Gan..

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Download Auto Hide IP Free

Pada postingan kali ini, saya akan sedikit review mengenai aplikasi yang bernama Auto Hide IP. Aplikasi ini akan sangat berguna bagi anda yang ingin berselancar di dunia maya dengan identitas Anonymous, yang berarti identitas anda tersamarkan.

Penggunaan IP sebenarnya pada komputer anda sebenarnya sangat berbahaya, sebab ketika anda berkunjung pada suatu web, IP anda secara otomatis akan terekam pada web mereka. Dan ketika itu pula, identitas anda akan diketahui oleh banyak orang. Mulai dari Alamat rumah, posisi anda saat itu, no. telp, dan lain sebagainya.

Dengan memanfaatkan aplikasi Auto Hide IP ini, kita dapat menyembunyikan alamat IP kita yang sebenarnya dengan menggantinya menjadi alamat IP palsu. Kita hanya akan diminta untuk memilih IP bayangan dari negara mana yg kita inginkan, setelah itu langsung saja tekan OK.

Maka, IP anda akan berganti dari IP yang sebenarnya.

Mudah bukan, jika anda tertarik untuk mencobanya silahkan download aplikasi ini melalui link dibawah ini :

Download SeaMonkey

SeaMonkey is a web-browser, advanced e-mail and newsgroup client, IRC chat client, and HTML editing The SeaMonkey project is a community effort to deliver production-quality releases of code derived from the application formerly known as "Mozilla Application Suite".

Whereas the main focus of the Mozilla Foundation is on Mozilla Firefox and Mozilla Thunderbird, our group of dedicated volunteers works to ensure that you can have "everything but the kitchen sink" and have it stable enough for corporate use.

SeaMonkey - Web-browser, IRC chat client, advanced e-mail and newsgroup client and HTML editing made simple - all your Internet needs in one application brought to you by Mozilla.

SeaMonkey has inherited the successful all-in-one concept of the original Netscape Communicator and continues that product line based on the modern, cross-platform architecture provided by the Mozilla project.

  • The Internet browser at the core of the SeaMonkey suite uses the same rendering engine as its sibling Mozilla Firefox, with popular features like tabbed browsing, popup blocking, find as you type and a lot of other functionality for a smooth web experience.
  • SeaMonkey's Mail and Newsgroups client shares lots of code with Mozilla Thunderbird and features adaptive Junk mail filtering, labels and mail views, multiple accounts, S/MIME, address books with LDAP support and is ready for both private and corporate use.
  • Additonal components include an easy-to-use HTML Editor, the ChatZilla IRC chat application and web development tools like a DOM Inspector and a javascript debugger.
  • If that's still not enough, SeaMonkey can be extended with numerous Add-Ons that provide additional functionality and customization for a complete Internet experience.

Homepage -

Download here

Typograf v5.0.0.122 Portable

Top class font manager for OpenType, TrueType, Type1 fontsTypograf is a useful and efficient software for previewing and managing OpenType, TrueType or Type1 fonts.

Displays all font properties (typeface classification, kerning pairs, file data, copyright...). Views character set, keyboard layout, zoom view. Finds similar fonts and compares several fonts tabularly.

Prints fonts in many ways. Manages fonts in database and font groups. Font file management functions. Information about typefaces and typography.

This simple and easy-to-use application can quickly search your drives for duplicate font files. With the help of Typograf you can edit the file information (name, copyright).

Here are some key features of "Typograf":

View and preview fonts:
· Display all OpenType, TrueType and Type 1 fonts on hard drives, DVD, CD, opticals, floppies or specific folders, including all subfolders. Sort viewed fonts by name, file, family, copyright, width, date, size.

Typograf displays following font types:
· OpenType and TrueType fonts (preview, installed, loaded by Typograf)
· PostScript Type 1 fonts (preview, installed, loaded by Typograf)
· Printer fonts
· Raster or bitmap fonts (system fonts)

Display all font properties:
· Font information: full name, family name, creator, version, copyright, trademark, file size, date, file location path
· typeface classification by PANOSE system, IBM Font Classes or the Windows internal metric structure
· character set
· keyboard layout
· zoom view for details
· edit font information
· Compare fonts
· find related fonts based on typeface classifications
· compare various fonts using tables that show major font features, file data, character width, number of kerning pairs, ...
· find duplicate fonts on disks, DVD, CD and more.<>

Print fonts:
· Print 1, 6, 20, 40 or 80 fonts on an A4 page
· Two kinds of sample page for a font, including character set
· Print character set, keyboard layout
· Font file management functions: copy, move, delete font files, load or unload fonts, install or uninstall fonts.

Manage fonts in database and font groups:
· Keep your TrueType and PostScript fonts in order using a font database and font groups.
· Catalog all your fonts with the database. That way you'll always know which DVD, CD-ROM or folder your fonts are on.
· Organize your fonts into font groups to load them as needed.

Information about typefaces and typography:
· TrueType and Type 1 Reference
· Typeface Classifications
· Mixing & Matching Typefaces
· Choosing an appropriate Type
· Typesetting

Home Page -

Download here :

Kismet Hacking

Kismet is the industry standard for examining wireless network traffic, and is used by over 250,000 security professionals, wireless networking enthusiasts, and WarDriving hobbyists.

Unlike other wireless networking books that have been published in recent years that geared towards Windows users, Kismet Hacking is geared to those individuals that use the Linux operating system. People who use Linux and want to use wireless tools need to use Kismet. Now with the introduction of Kismet NewCore, they have a book that will answer all their questions about using this great tool. This book continues in the successful vein of books for wireless users such as WarDriving: Drive, Detect Defend.

Download e-book here :
or here :

Abstract lights background vector set 22

Pada postingan kali ini, saya menyediakan kepada anda beberapa graphict vector yang dapat anda download secara gratis. cekidot gan. ;)

monggo agan - agan semua, bisa didownload melalui link dibawah ini :

The Best Mixed Wallpapers

Hai teman-teman ku semua. :) kali ini saya menyediakan 50 wallpaper keren yang bisa km download secara gratis disini. cekidot.

mari agan - agan semua, bisa di download melalui link dibawah ini :
atau lewat sini :

Macroplant Phone to PC

Phone to PC (formerly "Pod to PC") is iPad, iPod or iPhone transfer software that easily copies music, videos, playlists and photos from iPod to computer and into iTunes. Phone to PC works with all iPods including the iPad and iPhone. Phone to PC uses the USB cable and works with or without jail-breaking the iPhone/iPod so there's no need to modify your iPod.

Copy from iPod, iPad & iPhone
Phone to PC lets you easily transfer music or video files from any iPod, iTouch, iPad or iPhone onto you computer and into iTunes.

  • Automatic Transfer
  • For users looking to recover all their music, the Automatic Transfer button will quickly transfer all songs and playlists from your iPod or iPhone that are not already in iTunes. This is the easiest way to move music to your new computer or recover from a crash.
  • Recover Metadata
  • Listen to a few tracks 100+ times and proud of it? Along with your songs, Phone to PC will copy your play counts, ratings (out of 5 stars), album names and much more.
  • Playlist Builder
  • Easily copy whole or partial playlists from any iPod into iTunes. With Phone to PC's duplicate detection, you can even recreate playlists without having to copy the tracks again!
  • Search iPod, iPad and iPhone for Music
  • Quickly find the tracks you're looking for with the Phone to PC search bar and filter option. This search feature allows users to find music by search for track name, artist name or album name.
  • iPod and iPhone Picture Transfer
  • Phone to PC includes a free image transfer features which parse the enigmatic Photo Database then reveals the images that were saved to the device.
  • Address Book
  • Looking for a way to transfer contacts from an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch to your PC? Simply drag contacts to the Desktop or drop them directly into Outlook.
  • SMS and Notes
  • Need a specific text message or note from your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch on your computer? Copy and manage your SMS and notes all on your PC.
  • Crash Recovery
  • Phone to PC is the ideal solution for recovering iTunes after a computer crash. Simply download, install and click auto-transfer and everything will be back the way it was before.
  • Avoid Duplicates
  • With built in duplicate detection, Phone to PC shows a blue check mark next to tracks that are already in iTunes. If you try to copy these tracks the software will only add a reference to the existing local track in your target playlist.
  • Drag and Drop Support
  • Quickly and intuitively copy songs to your computer by dragging and dropping from Phone to PC. This feature also works with images and videos too!
  • Call History, Web History
  • Browse and sort through your Call and Web history. Access, browse and save your Safari bookmarks.
  • Calendar
  • Keep those important dates by browsing through your Calendar.
  • Preview Audio, and Video and Photos
  • Want to play music without using iTunes? Phone to PC lets you preview music and movies on any iPod before transferring it into your iTunes library.
  • Free Upgrades
  • Apple Inc. is constantly changing how the iPod and iPhone works (think about how often you have to update iTunes or your iPod's firmware). Phone to PC is updated just as rapidly to adapt to these changes. Phone to PC full-version users will receive complementary updates so they don't have to keep buying the same software again and again.
  • Copy Voicemails
  • Listen to that important voicemail message directly on your computer. Then backup and store your voicemails on your PC.
  • Backup Browser
  • Browse thru your iTunes backups

Home Page -

Download Here :

Forensic Analytics: Methods and Techniques for Forensic Accounting Investigations

Discover how to detect fraud, biases, or errors in your data using Access or Excel With over 300 images, Forensic Analytics reviews and shows how twenty substantive and rigorous tests can be used to detect fraud, errors, estimates, or biases in your data. For each test, the original data is shown with the steps needed to get to the final result. The tests range from high-level data overviews to assess the reasonableness of data, to highly focused tests that give small samples of highly suspicious transactions. These tests are relevant to your organization, whether small or large, for profit, nonprofit, or government-related.

Demonstrates how to use Access, Excel, and PowerPoint in a forensic setting Explores use of statistical techniques such as Benford's Law, descriptive statistics, correlation, and time-series analysis to detect fraud and errors Discusses the detection of financial statement fraud using various statistical approaches Explains how to score locations, agents, customers, or employees for fraud risk Shows you how to become the data analytics expert in your organization

Forensic Analytics shows how you can use Microsoft Access and Excel as your primary data interrogation tools to find exceptional, irregular, and anomalous records.

Download here :

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Download here :

Or Download by Mirror :

Download iDemo v1.2.0

iDemo is a tool that simplifies real-time demonstrations of iPhone apps and games. iDemo connects to your iPhone over WiFi and mirrors your iPhone screen on your desktop, in real-time – kinda like Steve Jobs during his keynote presentations.

System Requirements :
In order to use iDemo, you need a computer running one of the following Operating Systems:
  • Windows XP Service Pack 3 or higher (including Windows Vista , Windows 7)
and a jailbroken iPhone running one of the following applications:
  • ScreenSplitr 
  • Display Recorder


Known issues :
We’re working hard trying to resolve some last minute issues including:

  • On Windows Vista or 7, your user needs to be an Administrator for iDemo to install properly. If you’re not, simply right click on the installer and select “Run As Administrator”. 
  • On Windows XP, the spinning widget can cause some performance hits. For this reason, you can disable it by opening the contextual menu using the mouse right-click on the iPhone and uncheck “Extra Visual Effects”.

Home Page -

Download here :

Or Download Mirror here :

Download Minecraft 1.4.6

Minecraft is a sandbox construction game, inspired by Infiniminer, and created by Markus Persson, the founder of Mojang Specific...